Hi, my name is Alise - the girl who's always been called curvy, big, chubby, fat etc. - but what do I really think about my looks and size??
I couldn't give a flying f*** if I'm honest!
If I strip away all the things that I've heard and seen over the years, I really feel comfortable in my own skin. I don't mind being a "plus size" woman, I don't mind the odd roll, I don't care if others see me as beautiful or not - I really don't think about it too much!
It's the media and society that make us all go crazy and crave things that we don't want, don't need and can't have!
That's where even the strongest people get crushed, and I won't lie, I do get pulled down when all I see and hear is the same old - you need to look a certain way, you need to fit in a certain type, and that is the only 'beautiful' there is.
Thanks adds!
I don't think there's enough empowerment to us 'normal' girls who don't want to fit in any particular size groups. I'm just tired of categorising people (not only size related categories), I want us all to be free to be as we are!
I can buy clothes that look good on me, play around with fashion, live and enjoy life - so I shouldn't really feel bad about not being size 6 because there's much more to life than being obsessed over a number.
It really shouldn't be size that defines who we are or what we can be. The thoughts of "do I look fat in this dress?" shouldn't be on our minds 24/7 - wouldn't we be more productive and happy?!
Just a few years ago it was in to be all skinny and have a flat bum, today millions of women around the world are trying to get that ass men would notice from a mile away! Now, how is it possible for us to follow and adapt to these trends?
We can't.
and we shouldn't.
We can't all have the same body type, because we are all different. It's genes. So why don't we just let each other be the way we are, empower the person next to you to be the best THEY can be and not compare them to someone else!
It should be up to you to make any changes to your body not the pressure of society. You should gain or lose weight only if you felt like changing it, not have the society bring you down and make you do it.
Look at yourself in the mirror and see the good things in you, the beauty in you, and stop comparing yourself to someone you've seen in magazines or photoshopped pictures. See the flaws and change it only if YOU think it's a flaw! Love yourself! Be kind to yourself! Be happy and enjoy life!
and I will do the same xx
What's your opinion?